My 2 Sons 1st Powerbar

I feel a Powerbar is a healthier alternative to what could be given to a child. Check out these extremely cute videos!

Here is Gibson at around 18 months.

From Gibby's First Power Bar

Here is Graham at around 18 months.

From Gibby's & Graham's First Power Bars

Hughes News “Father’s Day Edition.”

Even With The Crappiest Video Camera, Gives You The News Just As Good Or Even Better Than The Anchors In Your Town!

In This Hughes Newscast: Last Minute Gift For Father’s Day or Any Day, Adoptions From China Are Down, This Website Will Tell You Which Cell Phone Is The Best, OBAMA! And Hilarious Use For Krazy Glue. YOU READY?

How to Find A Date On Facebook

friend frazier on facebook today
friend frazier on facebook today

Finding a date on Facebook takes time and you have to be careful. You have to (as said in the car-business) build repore. It all depends on your Facebook page and how it looks. It also depends on your age and the person you ask to be your friend. If a female sees your page, they are more likely to pay attention to you if you have the same similarities. Pictures are important to. The guys from XM’s Game On a show that gives expert dating advice mention that you should have pictures of you and the opposite sex. This draws the other person into you and let’s them know as Beyonce says in her song Irreplaceable “You must not know about me I could have another you in a minute” and that you are not some loner begging for attention. If the other person doesn’t give you much response that is okay. Put them in a category like “Random Tandom” (which is mine) and post updates frequently to your Facebook to show them you have a life too. Hey, maybe the person you friend request is not the right one for you but remember the fact that you are trying puts you ahead of the others out there that are not. This is also a great way to get to know others and let them know about you. Maybe that person that doesn’t have interest in you will introduce you to one of their friends. It takes courage, integrity, and a positive attitude. *Don’t expect results overnight. Small talk and chatting lead to fruitful events in the future for you. Good luck.